Home Stretch!

Hey guys, me again!

I hope you're all staying safe during this awful time, staying at home and keeping yourself occupied! As I promised before, my burn is now turned into a continuous peel, so I definitely will not be getting a tan any time soon!

My team and I are still ploughing through our major project, making sure the final stages are up to scratch and are as good as the rest of the project. It is so difficult to do group work in this environment, not being able to all meet up to discuss or work on things. However, I would rather we all were safe and got through this pandemic than risk our lives of course! We are coping, it is just harder than we originally planned, but who doesn't love a challenge!

I cannot believe we are on the home stretch of submitting our major project! Time does fly hey?

Speak soon, Stay safe,

Charlotte x


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